Collegiate Issues in Sports Law Writing Competition

The Collegiate Issues in Sports Law Writing Competition and supporting award were created by Christian Bray, (L'14), the Senior Associate Athletic Director of Athletics Compliance at Harvard University. She created this competition to ”recognize the Marquette University Law School student who writes the best essay focused on important collegiate athletics related issues in the sport industry,” as of course judged by the Competition Review Committee. 

With so many current issues going on in the collegiate athletics industry there is plenty to write about. Remember that papers you have written in undergraduate (updated of course) or law school courses or comments for law review/journal requirements can be submitted to this competition.  Complete details on what is required to enter the award can be found online here

The award is open to 1Ls, 2Ls and 3Ls. Submissions are due Friday, March 21, 2025. The winner receives a monetary award and will be announced during the Annual Sports Law Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 25, 2025.  

Contact: Prof. Paul Anderson