Conversations with Major League Baseball Commissioner Emeritus Bud Selig: The History of Baseball in Milwaukee, its present and future

Current Law Students
Conversations with Major League Baseball Commissioner Emeritus Bud Selig: The History of Baseball in Milwaukee, its present and future
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Eckstein Hall, room 433
1215 W. Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53201
United States

This fall Major League Baseball Commissioner Emeritus and Distinguished Lecturer in Sports Law and Policy, Allan “Bud” Selig, will visit the law school for three Conversations with Marquette University Law School students. The first event will be on Thursday, August 31, starting at 12:15 pm in room 433.  Commissioner Emeritus Selig will discuss the History of Baseball in Milwaukee, its Present and Future. This event is open only to Marquette University Law School students and staff. Commissioner Emeritus Selig invites students to ask any question about bringing baseball to Milwaukee and why and how teams relocate, building a new baseball stadium, and the long term viability of MLB teams in small markets, among any other question related to professional sports and sports leagues over the past 70 years. Do not miss your chance to talk with someone who has had over 70 years of experience in professional sports. Lunch will be provided to all attendees. 

Bud Selig

43.0370489, -87.9268924

Sports Law