Ray & Kay Eckstein Law Library
Welcome to the Eckstein Law Library, a library without borders. Seamlessly integrated into all four floors of Eckstein Hall and the life of the Law School, this integration is much more than a physical one. Consistent with Marquette University’s Jesuit tradition and in support of its statement on human dignity and diversity, the law library welcomes students, faculty, staff, the legal community, and other patrons conducting legal research regardless of age, culture, faith, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, language, disability, or social class. We provide access to credible legal resources as well as expert research support and instruction along with services, tools, and spaces for conducting research and pursuing academic excellence. We look forward to working with you!
Marquette University Eckstein Law Library
1215 West Michigan Street
P.O. Box 3137
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3137
Circulation Desk Phone: (414) 288-7092
Reference Desk Phone: (414) 288-3837
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