Constitution Day: Some Current Issues in Wisconsin Constitutional Law and Their Relationship to the U.S. Constitution

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Constitution Day: Some Current Issues in Wisconsin Constitutional Law and Their Relationship to the U.S. Constitution
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Please join us … Constitution Day: Some Current Issues in Wisconsin Constitutional Law and Their Relationship to the U.S. Constitution

Recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, such as those holding that the federal Constitution provides no avenue for addressing partisan gerrymandering and does not provide a right to an abortion, have drawn more attention to state constitutions and their role in the federal system. At this Constitution Day event, Professor Chad Oldfather will discuss the relationship between federal and state constitutions, the differences between the two types of documents and the governments they bring into being, and some of the possible implications for Wisconsin constitutional law.

  • September 18, 2023
  • 12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
  • Eckstein Hall; Room 155
  • Complimentary light lunch available, please bring your own beverage.
  • Click HERE to register. 
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