Traveling CLE Program: Scottsdale

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Traveling CLE Program: Scottsdale
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Traveling CLE Program: Scottsdale

  • Thursday, March 14, 2024 - Complimentary Reception, 5 to 6:30 p.m., The Westin Kierland Resort and Spa, 6902 East Greenway Parkway, Scottsdale, Arz. (link).  We will invite local Scottsdale/Phoenix Marquette lawyers to join the gathering.
  • Friday, March 15, Complimentary CLE Program (includes 5 to 6 CLE credits, light breakfast, and lunch), The Westin Kierland Resort  / You don’t need to stay at the Kierland, many are staying at the Hyatt in Old Town.
    • 8:30 a.m., light breakfast and check-in
    • 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., CLE Program
    • The Importance of the Order of Witnesses to Support Your Trial Theme. All trial lawyers know a theme is crucial to present your case to the jury. The order of witnesses is a valuable tool to convince the jury of the validity of that theme. Patrick O. Dunphy, L’76, Cannon & Dunphy, S.C.
    • What Is Enough? Errors and omissions insurance for attorneys. Catherine La Fleur, L’88, La Fleur
    • Law Reader Roadblocks and How to Write Around Them. Whether lawyers write briefs to a court, memos or letters to others, or contracts between parties, they are trying to persuade their readers—the court, the client, or other counsel—that they’re right. But the reader doesn’t always get this message. In this session, we will look at reader roadblocks: what causes readers to either miss or resist the meaning. And we’ll look at ways to write that consider these reader roadblocks. Lisa Mazzie, Marquette Law School
    • Voting Rights or Voting Wrongs: Enfranchisement in the United States. Women voted in revolutionary America. Yet it took until the 19th Amendment to make it illegal to deny the right to vote based on a citizen’s sex. And then it took the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to remove policies and practices used to limit voting among African Americans and other targeted groups. A discussion tracing enfranchisement from revolutionary days to the present. Kathy L. Nusslock, L’85, Amundsen Davis
    • Seven Smart Strategies for Tax Planning and Charitable Giving in 2024. According to Benjamin Franklin, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Given the certainty of taxes, it’s important to conduct an annual review of one’s finances and take steps to minimize the tax bill for the year. This presentation will provide strategies and charitable planning tips to consider when undertaking tax planning in 2024. Catherine Shore Steinhafel, L’89, Marquette University
    • Change Agents: The Role of Antitrust Enforcement, Consumerism and Payment Reform on the Future of the U.S. Healthcare System. Healthcare is the largest industry in the United States, accounting for more than 18% of our GDP expenditures. Roger Strode, a Health Care M&A Attorney with more than 36 years of experience in the industry, will explain and address three critical legal components of the U.S. healthcare system—antitrust enforcement, the growth of consumerism, and payment reform—that are likely to have the most impact on the business of medicine over the next decade. Roger D. Strode, L’88, Foley & Lardner, LLP

Registration link (Click HERE).

The program will be 6 CLE credits,.and is sponsored by the Law Alumni Association.
