Conversation with Commissioner Emeritus Selig: How Major League Baseball Maintains Competitive Balance Without a Salary Cap

Current Law Students
Conversation with Commissioner Emeritus Selig: How Major League Baseball Maintains Competitive Balance Without a Salary Cap
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During his third fall 2020 Conversation with Marquette Sports Law Program students, Major League Baseball Commissioner Emeritus and Distinguished Lecturer in Sports Law and Policy, Allan “Bud” Selig, will discuss How Major League Baseball Maintains Competitive Balance Without a Salary Cap.  This final fall Conversation will be on Thursday, November 5th, at 12 pm on Microsoft Teams.  This event is open only to Marquette University Law School students and staff. Commissioner Emeritus Selig invites students to ask any question about his career, his recent book, baseball, or anything else related to professional sports when they register, or during the Conversation.  An invitation to the Teams event will be sent out the morning of the event.  Do not miss your chance to talk with someone who has had over 60 years of experience in professional sports. Please pre-register by 5 pm on Wednesday, November 4. 

Sports Law Institute

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