Article I Name
Section 1:
The name of this organization shall be The Business Law Society of Marquette University Law School, hereafter referred to as the organization.
Article II Purpose
Section 1:
The purpose of this organization shall be to further education on business law issues relating to the interplay between the business sector and the legal system through interaction with professionals from the business and law communities, faculty, and practical education.
Article III Membership
Section 1:
Regular membership in this organization shall be open to any Marquette University Law School student who pays dues to the organization and has a desire to learn about business law.
Section 2:
Associate membership in this organization shall be open to any faculty member, staff member, or administrator at Marquette University Law School, or any Marquette University Alumni.
Article IV Officers
Section 1:
Officers of the organization shall be as follows:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Director of Public Relations
Section 2:
Officers of the organization shall be elected, during the month of April, by a majority vote of a quorum 51% of the regular members of the organization. Elections will be conducted by anonymous ballot.
Section 3:
Officers will take office at the end of the spring semester in which they are elected and will serve for a period of one year.
Section 4:
Officers shall be in good standing with the Law School and University at the time of their elections and throughout their terms of office.
Section 5:
Members serving as Executive Board Officers at the formation of the organization will serve a one-time, year and one-half long term beginning in spring semester of 2004 and ending in spring semester of 2005. After the expiration of this special term, elections for Executive Board positions will be held pursuant to Article IV, sections 1-4
Section 6:
Duties of officers
1. President - Shall preside over all meetings, conduct all official organization business and co-sign checks.
2. Vice President - Shall, in the absence of or when delegated by the President, preside over meetings and conduct official organization business.
3. Secretary - Shall keep official minutes and records for the organization.
4. Treasurer - Shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of all financial matters and collecting dues. He/She may also co-sign checks with the President (or Vice President). Shall be responsible for preparation of necessary financial statements.
5. Director of Public Relations - Shall be responsible for maintaining the Business Law Societies Web site, and shall be responsible for distributing and processing communication.
Article V Removal of Officers
Section 1:
Officers failing to fulfill the given responsibilities and duties may be removed by the active organization.
Section 2:
The removal of an officer requires a 2/3 vote of a quorum following the notification of the officer in question.
Article VI Replacement of Officers
Section 1:
In the case where the presidential office is vacant, the vice president will immediately fill the position.
Section 2:
All other executive board positions found to be vacant shall be filled by election immediately.
Section 3:
All other officers should be filled through appointment or election.
Article VII Meetings
Section 1:
A regularly scheduled general meeting shall be held at least once a month. Additional meetings may be called by the officers when the need arises.
Section 2:
A quorum shall consist of 51% of the regular members.
Section 3:
A quorum shall be present in order for any official business to be conducted. Official business shall include but is not limited to, elections of officers, setting of dues and any other major decisions effecting the organization.
Article VIII Committees
Section 1:
The officers of the organization shall have the authority to create any committees, standing or special, that will further the purpose of the organization.
Article IX Finances
Section 1:
Dues shall be determined by the officers of the organization subject to the approval of a majority of the executive board.
Article X Amendments
Section 1:
All amendments to this constitution require notice of one week prior to being discussed and voted upon.
Section 2:
All amendments require a 2/3 vote of a quorum for adoption.