Imminent Danger: A Community Discussion

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Imminent Danger: A Community Discussion
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Sponsored by Marquette Law School and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

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Forty years ago a new legal standard for commitment rose from a Milwaukee lawsuit to become the law of the land. A recent investigation by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel concluded that the law has proved tragically inadequate.  From Virginia Tech to Tucson, and even closer to home, a community discussion on how we can better care for those who are a danger to themselves and others. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Marquette Law School, Eckstein Hall
Please reserve your spot by January 9.

Complimentary event
Limited on-site parking

7:30 a.m.

8:15 a.m.
Welcome — Joseph D. Kearney, Dean and Professor of Law, and Marty Kaiser, Editor, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

8:30 a.m.
What did we learn? Meg Kissinger, Investigative Reporter for Health and Welfare, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, interviewed by Mike Gousha, Distinguished Fellow in Law and Public Policy

9:15 a.m.
Is current law good policy? A conversation between Thomas Zander, psychologist and Adjunct Professor of Law, Marquette Law School, and Darold Treffert, Retired Director, Winnebago Mental Health Institute

9:45 a.m.

10:00 a.m.
How are families affected by mental illness? Christie Polk, Bob Graf, Shaina Franzen, and Joe Spoerl, interviewed by Meg Kissinger

10:50 a.m.
What happens now? Barbara Beckert, Milwaukee Office Director, Disability Rights Wisconsin, Lyn Malofsky, Crisis Intervention Trainer, Ryan Spellecy, Medical Ethicist, Medical College of Wisconsin, and Thomas Zander, psychologist and Adjunct Professor of Law, Marquette Law School, interviewed by Mike Gousha

11:45 a.m.
Complimentary Lunch

12:15 p.m.
Keynote: Lucinda H. Roy, Alumni Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech and author, No Right to Remain Silent: The Tragedy at Virginia Tech. Professor Roy was the academic adviser to Virginia Tech student Seung-Hui Cho. Cho went on a killing rampage that resulted in the deaths of 32 students and faculty members before he ended his own life.

1:15 p.m.
Program ends

Christine Wilczynski-Vogel
Associate Dean for External Relations, Events, and Facilities
Marquette Law School

Lubar Center