Jennifer Martinez


Jennifer Martinez

Email | Instagram: jenny_martinez | 206-851-1752 

Year in School


Where are you from (city, state)? and Where did you get your undergraduate degree (school, state - if you have an advanced degree as well include it)?

I grew up in Lynnwood, WA; then moved to Portales, New Mexico for college at Eastern New Mexico University (my family is from New Mexico).

Why was the Sports Law program a factor in your decision to attend Marquette?

For me, the Sports Law program was almost my entire decision to come to Marquette. I've played sports my whole life and up until law school I had never been not an athlete. Playing volleyball in college, I found myself deeply dedicated to not only my sport but my athletic lifestyle. Yet although I had aspirations to one day play overseas, endless sprained ankles and a torn ACL, a Political Science degree, and other personal/family happenings reaffirmed that my childhood dream of becoming a lawyer was the ultimate path for me. Yet, even as I eagerly applied to law schools arounds the country, I knew it was going to be difficult to move on from the world of sports. Still, I decided on a law school in Utah, paid my first deposit, and began to envision what the transition would be like.
Marquette's Sports Law weekend changed everything. Though I knew of the so called "Sports Law" field before, I left Marquette with a deeper understanding of what I wanted my career path to be with a newfound excitement that I would be able to combine two integral parts of myself. Throughout my 1L year I have met many students, professors, and alumni who have worked hard to pave the way for individuals such as myself, to make the Marquette Sports Law Program what it is today, and to continue to provide for its future.
While I credit my undergrad with helping me discover who I wanted to be beyond an athlete, and I now credit Marquette Law School and the Sports Law Program for helping me bring that identity to life.

How have you been involved in the program during your time at Marquette (interns, events, law review, competitions, etc.)?

I am currently one of the 1L Representatives and have remained active in the society. I take part in sending out weekly emails with job postings to the society, I organized a bowling event for SLS on campus last semester, I currently work with the SLS Vice President as part of the NSLI Interview project, and I partially run the SLS Instagram page.
Additionally, I volunteered at and attended the 30th Anniversary of the NSLI during fall 2019, I volunteered at the Sports Law Negotiation Competition during spring 2020, and I volunteered at the Four Corners US Speedskating Competition in spring 2020. I have also attended nearly every Sports Law Speaker event.

Has the program met your expectations? (i.e. did you make the right decision coming to Marquette?)

So far the Sports Law Program has met my expectations. As a 1L there is only so much autonomy available alongside the mandatory first year coursework yet I have remained very involved with SLS and feel as though I have have had opportunities to do so.

What do you plan to do, either within the Program for the rest of your law school career, AND/OR, after you complete law school?

I plan to run for Vice President of SLS next year and to continue participating in as many Sports Law Events as possible! I would love to return to Spain to work in professional sports one day, I would also love to work in volleyball (the best sport of all time) in the United States.