Morgan Hines


Morgan Hines

Email | 414-378-6005

Year in School


Where are you from (city, state)? and Where did you get your undergraduate degree (school, state - if you have an advanced degree as well include it)?

I am from Milwaukee, WI. I went to Wisconsin for undergrad.

Why was the Sports Law program a factor in your decision to attend Marquette?

The Sports Law program was the reason why I chose to attend Marquette. It was the largest factor in my decision. I knew if I wanted to pursue a position in the sports world or sports legal field, Marquette University was where I needed to go. I knew Marquette would give me the best opportunities to network and would provide the best classes related to sports. Marquette had and continues to have the best full Sports Law Program in the nation.

How have you been involved in the program during your time at Marquette (interns, events, law review, competitions, etc.)?

As a 1L, I have done everything PA has told us to do. I attend the (almost) weekly lunches where attorneys and individuals through out the sports field are brought to MU to speak and network with us. I attended the Annual Sports Law Conference sitting on the different sessions and panels. Also, I went to a sports law competition and saw other Sport Law students negotiate hypothetical contracts.

Has the program met your expectations? (i.e. did you make the right decision coming to Marquette?)

The program has exceed my expectations. I spoke with PA prior to attending MU and everything he said he was going to do and the opportunities the program would give us is true. He did everything he said he was going to do. Even as a 1L, I feel this way.

What do you plan to do, either within the Program for the rest of your law school career, AND/OR, after you complete law school?

I plan to take as many classes in sports law as I can and I plan to do sports law competitions. After law school, I plan to work with in sports world in some capacity. There are so many different ways to engage with the sports legal field and there is not one linear path, but I will be working in the Sports Industry.