Faculty & Staff

Staff Spotlight

Sofia Ascorbe is Marquette Law School’s new Director of Career Planning. Ascorbe joins us after almost three years with the Marquette University Honors Program, on which she served as the Assistant Director. A graduate of Marquette University herself, she says she’s excited to continue to give back to the Marquette community, as it has opened many doors for her since she first moved here from Miami, Florida to begin her college career.

Faculty Spotlight - Christine Chabot

Christine Chabot, a new member of the Marquette Law School Faculty, describes her teaching style as interactive and engaged. “An engaged classroom encourages students to think deeply about the law – and to go beyond the shallow level of merely memorizing current legal requirements. It’s what students will need as practicing lawyers. The law may change after graduation, and if students don’t understand the underlying reasoning, they won’t be prepared for change. Students need to understand why the law is the way it is.”

Social Science Research Network

Submitted by ryan.rau@marqu… on

The Marquette University Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series is available on the Social Science Research Network, better known as SSRN, an online initiative devoted to disseminating working research papers and abstracts in law and the social sciences.

Faculty Spotlight: Thomas Hammer

Professor Thomas Hammer retires from the full-time faculty.

Professor Thomas Hammer has been associated with the Marquette Law School for nearly half a century: first as a student himself and then as a law professor.

During Professor Hammer’s time as a law student, he said he wanted to become a prosecutor. One of his professors, Lee Wells, facilitated an internship for Professor Hammer in the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office, which led to his appointment as a prosecutor in that office when he graduated.

Faculty Spotlight

Meet David Strifling, associate professor of law and director of the Water Law and Policy Initiative

“The university is trying to help solve the world’s water problems, and we at the law school are part of the effort,” said David Strifling, associate professor of law and director of the Water Law and Policy Initiative.