Faculty & Staff

Eckstein Hall Classroom Recording

This how-to pertains to classrooms 155, 226, 246, 257, 263, 267, 355, 357, 363, 367, and 444. For rooms 204, 255, 304, and 455, using your laptop's built in equipment should suffice to capture the recording. If you would like better sound, a USB boundary microphone can be located in those rooms and used to improve your laptop's audio quality. The only configuration that needs to be done is changing your microphone settings in Teams.

Featured & Ongoing Faculty Projects

Marquette Law Poll

The poll, a major addition to the Law School’s growing efforts to shed light on public policy matters, will provide the most extensive data on record of public sentiment in Wisconsin, including not only how things are developing in the nationally significant elections to be held in the state, but how people feel about a wide range of issues and what factors are shaping their opinions.

Thomas Hammer


The Long and Arduous Journey to Truth-in-Sentencing in Wisconsin, FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 15. 

Co-authored Fully Implementing Truth-in-Sentencing, 75 WISCONSIN LAWYER WISCONSIN LAWYER 10. 

Nadelle Grossman - Recent Publication and Presentations


Contracts From Transaction To Litigation (with Eric Zacks) (2019)

The Best and Worst of Contracts Decisions: An Anthology, Combating Limits of the Case Method with Quake Construction, Inc. v American Airlines, Inc., 44 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. (2018)

Jettisoning the Normative Value of the Implied Duty of Good Faith in Employment Law, 21 Emply. R. & Emp. Pol’y J. 377(2018)

The Sixth Commissioner, 49 Ga. L. Rev. 693 (2015) (reprinted in 2016 Securities Law Review § 2:3) (2017)

What is an anonymous drop box?

The drop box is an online form that a student fills out and sends to his or her professor with complete anonymity. No e-mail can be traced back to the student by the professor. Students provide a pseudonym (Ms. J), their class name, time of class, name of their professor, comments about the document they are attaching, their attachments (up to three), an email address if they would like to receive confirmation from the faculty that their faculty member received the attachments.

Faculty & Staff

Our faculty is comprised of a diverse group of scholars who are dedicated to teaching, research, community service, and academic excellence. They hold degrees from preeminent law schools throughout the country. Their practical experience is deep, varied, and distinguished. They have authored innumerable books and articles. As teachers, our faculty members bring legal doctrines to life using both their rich base of practical experience and their expertise in legal theory. Outside the classroom, faculty members pride themselves on their accessibility.

Public Service & Pro Bono

Pro Bono Involvement

The Office of Public Service was created to recognize the late dean Howard B. Eisenberg’s extensive pro bono work and commitment to public service. The Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics are a lasting tribute to Dean Eisenberg’s proclamation that, “Ours is a helping profession.” Marquette alumni and faculty join us every day in serving the Milwaukee community and beyond.

For more information about pro bono opportunities, visit our webpage.