Congratulations to the 2023 Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competitors

Congratulations to the 2023 Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competitors:

Alexis Bauer
Samantha Dorning
Andrew Flood
Dominique Fortune
Emily Geiser
Isabel Gonzales
Lauren Hudon
Ciara Hudson
Alexandra Johns
Markus Johnson
Emily Juneau
Morgan Kaplan
Jori LaRosa
Kayleigh Lemery
John Letsch
Cody Linday
Jacob Lloyd
Isaiahs Luna
Elliott Manual
Connor Mathias
Angela Medcalf
Derik Rush
Mikela Ryan
Emily Smith

The Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competition is an appellate moot court competition for Marquette law students. Students are invited to participate based on their performance in the Appellate Writing and Advocacy course at the Law School.

Students will begin writing their appellate briefs in January with oral arguments commencing later this spring. The competition includes preliminary oral argument rounds and a quarterfinal, semifinal, and final round.

The Jenkins competitors are fortunate to argue before distinguished members of the bench and bar from Wisconsin and beyond. The competition is named after James G. Jenkins, the first Marquette Law School dean.

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Marquette Teams Make Successful Showing at NMCC Regionals

Marquette University Law School hosted the Region VIII round of the 73th annual National Moot Court Competition on November 19-20, 2022. Both Marquette teams made successful showings.

four people standing in front of a fireplace, all of them wearing business suits. On the left is a man in a blue suit and red tie. Next to him is a women in a black skirt suit, with her dark hair pulled back. Next to her is a short woman in a navy blue pantsuit with her black hair pulled back. Next to her is a blonde woman in a navy blue pantsuit. All of them are smiling big smiles.
(from left to right) Travis Goeden, Ruth Nord-Pekar, Fefe Jaber, and Nicole Jennings.

Team members Travis Goeden and Ruth Nord-Pekar advanced to the semifinal round before being eliminated after losing by less than three-tenths of a point. Professor Melissa Love Koenig advised the team, which was coached by attorneys Kieran O’Day (L’20) and Evan Thomson.

Fefe Jaber and Nicole Jennings advanced to the quarterfinals before being eliminated after losing a close round to the other Marquette team. Professor Lisa Mazzie advised the team, and attorneys Alicia Bernards (L’22), Lauren Brasington (L’22), Carsyn Bushman (L’22), Chal Little (L’16), Haley Wentz (L’20), and Christopher Vandeventer (L’22) coached the team.

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New Marquette Lawyer Magazine Spotlights the Work of Public Defenders and Provides Other Glimpses into the Law

2022 Marquette Lawyer CoverIt is nearly 60 years since the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously held, in Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), that individuals facing criminal charges are constitutionally entitled to representation by lawyers. And it has been just over 20 years since the death of Marquette Law School Dean Howard B. Eisenberg, who, early in his career, was a central figure in Wisconsin’s effort to comply with Gideon—in designing the state’s system for providing publicly funded representation for defendants unable to afford an attorney.

The cover package of the Fall 2022 issue of Marquette Lawyer magazine examines how Wisconsin’s system works today.

This means, in particular, an article profiling the work lives of five current Wisconsin public defenders. The piece includes the context of their work in a system that serves tens of thousands of defendants annually even while it is under constant stress—a system where needs outstrip available staff and resources.

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