1Ls: Bailiff Opportunity for Moot Court

Calling all 1Ls! The Marquette Moot Court Association is looking for 1Ls to help bailiff oral arguments on Friday, October 11, through Sunday, October 13. During this "Panel Weekend," 2Ls taking the Appellate Writing and Advocacy course ("AWA") will make their first oral arguments. They will be judged by experienced, and perhaps empathetic panels of Moot Court Association members who took the class last year.

Bailiffing this 100% student-led event is a superb opportunity to participate in Moot Court and meet your peers. As motivation, bailiffs can log their Panel Weekend time for credit should they join the Moot Court Association their 3L year. Consider signing up at this link here!

Please let Julius Rohwer know if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

Contact: Julius Rohwer