
Lost in the Law

Lost in the Law is an experiential learning activity developed by Marquette University Law School and the Milwaukee Justice Center. The digital version of the activity linked below was developed by the Digital Scholarship Lab at Marquette University.

Lost in the Law is intended for lawyers, law students, legislators, and other member of the community who are concerned about, interact with, or create policy affecting Wisconsin’s low-income residents with civil legal problems.

The Healing Circle

Explanation of Project

"The Healing Circle" video brings us face to face with the victims of sexual abuse by clergy and their pain. As part of a restorative justice process, the video helps us to develop an understanding of the ripple effect of the scandal as it explores the impact on the victims, their families, other believers, and those working in institutional church settings. Ultimately, the video helps us examine the ways the scandal has created a crisis of faith and helps us grapple with the complexity of the healing process.

4th Annual RJI Conference

N.Y. judge spurs talk of community court programs
Community-based courts can help reduce homicides, discourage repeat offenders and bring down the costs associated with incarceration, a New York City judge told a crowd of nearly 500 Tuesday at Marquette University. Judge Alex Calabrese, who presides over a world-renowned neighborhood court in Brooklyn, shared his experience at a conference hosted by Marquette University Law School.