Lost in the Law is an experiential learning activity developed by Marquette University Law School and the Milwaukee Justice Center. The digital version of the activity linked below was developed by the Digital Scholarship Lab at Marquette University.
Lost in the Law is intended for lawyers, law students, legislators, and other member of the community who are concerned about, interact with, or create policy affecting Wisconsin’s low-income residents with civil legal problems.
A PowerPoint presentation for use in classrooms and other group settings is available here (or download a PDF of the slides here.) The slides contain information about the access to justice crisis, potential solutions, and reflection questions to consider after engaging in the Lost in the Law activity. To request a facilitated session of Lost in the Law for your group, contact publicservicelaw@marquette.edu.
NEWS SEGMENT: Marquette 'Lost in the Law' game highlights judicial inequities, 9 Jan 2022, FOX 6
Click the image below to launch the activity:
A version of this experiential learning activity can be imported into any SCORM compliant LMS. A series of reflection questions will be presented to students after completing each character experience and the reflection answers will be saved to your LMS course site. Links to instructions on importing a SCORM package into a particular LMS are listed below: