Disability Services

Marquette University Law School - Request for Accommodation Due to Disability

Students with a temporary or permanent disability may be entitled to receive certain academic adjustments and reasonable modifications or use certain auxiliary aides and services in the process of fulfilling course or degree requirements. No accommodation that alters fundamental course content or places undue administrative or financial burden on Marquette University will be considered reasonable. Students with disabilities are required to meet the essential, academic, and technical standards established by the Law School, with or without accommodations. 


The process of requesting academic accommodation due to a documented disability begins with an intake assessment completed by a representative from the University's Office of Disability Services (ODS). Students (and their providers) must submit to ODS the appropriate documentation and paperwork, available on the ODS website, in compliance with the semesterly deadline listed below. 

After the Office of Disability Services (ODS) has verified a student’s disability, that student should arrange for a meeting with the assistant dean of students. Additionally, the student is asked to fill out a Request for Accommodation Due to Disability form and submit it to the assistant dean of students at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. 

Subsequent to these initial meetings, a decision letter will be sent to the student specifying the accommodations granted by the Law School. A copy of this letter will also be sent to ODS.

Thereafter, students may submit a Disability Accommodation for Examinations form, in compliance with the semesterly deadline listed below, to request that the pre-approved accommodation(s) be applied to specific examinations, such as a mid-term or final exam. Only one form is needed per exam period to report all exams for which the student seeks accommodation.

Students are encouraged to meet with the assistant dean of students to discuss any changes in their situation that might affect their original accommodations plan.

Spring 2025 Semester Deadlines

Friday, April 4, 2025, at noon: Law students seeking final-exam accommodations under the ADA for the first time as a Marquette law student, must submit disability documentation to the Office of Disability Services and notify Dean Fodor of the submission by this date and time.

Monday, April 14, 2025 at noon: Any law student seeking final-exam accommodations for the spring 2025 term, must submit the exam accommodations request form to Registration and Records Specialist Rebecca Ruesch by this date and time. I

A note on midterm exams: Any law student seeking midterm-exam accommodations for the spring 2025 term, must submit the exam accommodations request form to Registration and Records Specialist Rebecca Ruesch by as soon as the student is notified of the midterm date/time and no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled midterm date.

Confidentiality Policy

The Law School will treat all documentation and discussions regarding a student's disability confidentially. Information about a student's disability will be shared, at the discretion of the assistant dean of students, only with appropriate University or Law School administrators and faculty members who have a legitimate educational interest.

During your tenure at Marquette University Law School, all materials related to your disability are kept separate from your academic file, and upon graduation these materials will be forwarded to the Office of Disability Services for archiving. After graduation, any inquiries regarding accommodations that were received while you were a law student should be addressed to the Office of Disability Services.


Request for Accommodation Due to Disability
Disability Accommodation for Examinations

For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact Assistant Dean of Students Anna Fodor.