As of Oct. 6, 2013. LSAT/UGPA percentiles were calculated by the Law School Admission Council based on matriculant lists provided by Marquette University Law School to the ABA.
1457 applications received
1428 applications completed
209 enrolled students
192 full-time
17 part-time
Median GPA: 3.28
75th %ile GPA: 3.51
25th %ile GPA: 2.97
Median LSAT: 155
75th %ile LSAT: 157
25th %ile LSAT: 151
94 undergraduate schools represented
54 undergraduate majors represented
7% hold other graduate/professional degrees
27 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, represented
47% WI residents
36% women
19% students of color
Average Age: 24
Age Range: 21-49
53% enrolled directly after college*
41% out of college 1-4 years*
6% out of college 5+ years*
*represents full-time class only