Diversity at Marquette Law: Local Bar Associations

Marquette Law School students and student organizations are frequent invitees to the many local diversity bar associations' meetings and social gatherings. Such opportunities enhance law students' ability to expand their networks, find mentors, and learn more about professional development as future attorneys.

Association for Women Lawyers The Association for Women Lawyers is an approximately 400-member bar association based in Milwaukee. Membership is open to attorneys who are graduates of accredited law schools and whose licenses to practice law are in good standing. Student membership is open to those persons currently enrolled in accredited law schools. The purposes of the Association for Women Lawyers are to promote the welfare, interests, and professional development of lawyers who are women; to promote the legal interests of women generally; to maintain the honor and integrity of the legal profession; and to advance justice for all individuals.

LGBT Bar Association of Wisconsin - The LGBT Bar of Wisconsin is an inclusive group and welcomes anyone who wants to join or support its mission, LGBTQ individuals and allies alike. The Bar was founded in 2014 by Marquette lawyer Danielle Bailey, '12, with a primary focus on increasing the visibility of LGBTQ individuals and allies within the legal profession. It hopes to foster a sense of community among LGBTQ individuals and allies both within the legal community and beyond and to bring awareness to LGBTQ issues throughout the state. Membership is open to law students, including a student position on the board.

Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers - Building excellence through conscious and consistent dedication to Wisconsin's African-American legal professionals, WAAL welcomes partnerships with other community, state, and national programs designed to ameliorate or eliminate racism, ignorance, poverty, and powerlessness, including from organized and non-organized bar, the bench, scholars and researchers, the private sector as well as governmental agencies.

Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association - The purposes of the Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association works to advance the professional development of its members, to advise on issues of interest to the Hispanic community on a local and national level, and to carry on such other purposes as set forth from time to time in its articles of incorporation and its by-laws.

Declaración de la misión de WHLA La Asociación de Abogados Hispanos de Wisconsin (WHLA) tiene por objetivo adelantar el desarrollo profesional de sus miembros, asesorar con respecto a temas de interés a la comunidad Hispana a nivel local y nacional, y de llevar a cabo todos los demás objetivos que dispongan sus Artículos de Incorporación y sus Estatutos.

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