Information For Admitted J.D. Students: Deposit Payment

On-line Tuition Deposit Payment for Admitted Law Students

Marquette University Law School is pleased to provide the convenience of on-line tuition deposit payment. ACI Payments, Inc. is contracted to transact tuition deposit payments. 

In order to submit your non-refundable tuition deposit online, you must have the following information:

  • Your bank account information (routing number and account number) or credit card information (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express)
  • Your LSAC account number
  • Your Marquette University ID number (MUID). Your MUID number was provided to you along with your CheckMarq account information by Marquette University Information Technology (IT) Services in an email message sent shortly after your offer of admission. 

We recommend that you elect to receive an email confirmation from ACI Payments, Inc.; this email will confirm your deposit is in the process of being transmitted to Marquette University Law School.  You will receive a second email from us (usually within 2-3 business days) to confirm that your deposit has been received and recorded in the Office of Admissions.  

When you are ready to place your non-refundable tuition deposit, please proceed to the payment site.

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