Alumnus has reached a level of excellence in his/her career.
Exemplifies living the Marquette mission of faith, service, leadership, and excellence in both personal life and professional life.
Alumnus has demonstrated affiliation to the Law School by doing one or more of the following: History of volunteer service to the Law School (Reunion Committee, Law Alumni Board, Other Alumni Committee) and/or history of financial support.
This award is open to both practicing and non-practicing attorneys
Lifetime Achievement Award
Alumnus has reached and maintained a level of career excellence over his/her lifetime.
Exemplifies living the Marquette mission of faith, service, leadership, and excellence in both personal life and professional life.
Alumnus has demonstrated affiliation to the Law School by doing one or more of the following: History of volunteer service to the Law School (Reunion Committee, Law Alumni Board, Other Alumni Committee) and/or history of financial support.
This award is open to both practicing and non-practicing attorneys.
Howard B. Eisenberg Service Award
Honors a graduate of the Law School within the past 15 years for his/her dedication to the area of public interest law and/or service to the community.
Exemplifies living the Marquette mission of faith, service, leadership, and excellence in his/her personal life and professional life.
This award is open to both practicing and non-practicing attorneys.
Service to both the broader community and the legal profession are to be considered for this award. Examples of the latter: significant service to local bar associations, a state bar, or the Wisconsin Supreme Court's myriad committees, boards, panels, etc. Service to the broader community could include significant activity outside the legal arena that enhances the quality of life in the community. This could include diverse activities that range from serving on community boards, volunteer work with children or others in need, personal time spent on projects to educate or improve conditions in the community etc. In both cases, service that enhances the quality of life for others will be considered in terms of the overall assessment of a person's contributions.
Charles W. Mentkowski Sports Law Alumnus of the Year Award