Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Professor Lindsey Lecturing

Note from Dean Vada Lindsey

One of my roles as the associate dean for enrollment and inclusion is to help the Law School recruit a diverse class. Dialogue among people with different perspectives provides immeasurable benefits for the entire law school community. It expands perspectives and creates an environment where people learn and grow from others with different views, interests, and backgrounds.  

Another of my responsibilities is to advance the Law School’s goal of creating an inclusive environment for all members of our community. It is important that the Law School provide an environment where all students can succeed irrespective of their backgrounds. This is a collaborative effort. I work closely with Dean Kearney, the faculty Diversity Committee, a committee that I chair, and the Law School’s Office of Student Affairs, in our collective effort to provide a welcoming experience for all members of our diverse student body. I routinely meet with members of our affinity groups to listen to them and to learn from them. While I have administrative responsibility, I consider our students as colleagues in our effort to create a welcoming environment for everyone.

Resources and Reporting Bias Incidents

Associate Dean Lindsey and other members of the law school administration are available to meet with law students to discuss diversity and inclusion, including the reporting of bias incidents. Marquette University regards a bias incident as any discriminatory or hurtful act that appears to be motivated or is perceived by the victim or victims to be motivated by race, ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, sex, ability, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, veteran status, socioeconomic status, or language. Per Section 901(4) of the Law School Academic Regulations, "It is a violation of the Respect for Others Standard for a student (1) to engage in any form of harassment, whether intentional or unintentional, on campus or off campus, or (2) to retaliate against a person who has initiated an inquiry or complaint having to do with harassment."

With respect to Dean Lindsey’s availability: Dean Lindsey's diversity and inclusion office hours with law students are held on Fridays, 1 – 2 p.m. To schedule an appointment during her office hours, please use this calendar. Outside of the stated office hours, Dean Lindsey is available to meet with students at other times by appointment. Other members of the administration, such as Associate Dean Nadelle Grossman and Assistant Dean Anna Fodor, are available to meet with students, who may contact them directly for an appointment. 

Students may also use Marquette University’s Bias Incident Reporting Form. Information, including aggregate historical data and resources, is available here. The University's Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion also supports students who have witnessed or been the target of bias-related incidents, refers them to University resources that can provide ongoing support, and informs the Marquette community about the frequency and nature of bias incidents that are reported.