Enrollment Checklist

(Information last updated 07/29/2024.)

Enrollment Checklist

Prior to your enrollment at Marquette University Law School, there will be many matters to consider and take care of. Some of these actions are required. Be sure to check this list for additions and updates over the coming months. 

Pay your required deposit(s)

Incoming students will have an initial, non-refundable deposit due by April 15, 2024. A second, final, non-refundable tuition deposit is due by June 3. Pay your deposit»

Attend our Admitted Student Summer Webinar Series

To help ease your transition to law school, we have put together a series of three webinars:
May 15 | Exploring Public Service & Pro Bono
May 22 | What’s next? 
June 5  | Preparing for law school. What to do with your summer. 
More information and registration >>

Join us at the Admitted Student Barbeque on June 27

We're gathering members of the Marquette Law community together for a warm welcome! Tours of Eckstein Hall will be available at 5:00 p.m. preceding the barbeque. Join us from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. and meet your classmates, faculty, staff, and alumni! Register now >>

Finalize your Financial Aid/Federal Loans

All incoming law students who have applied for Federal loans via the FAFSA need to review, accept, and complete the loan application process by mid-July.  More information »

If applicable, be sure to complete your application for the Grad PLUS loan, and be sure to sign up for direct deposit for your loan refund, and to complete required Direct Loan Entrance Counseling.

Final Undergraduate Transcript - Required

All students enrolling in the Fall 2024 entering class must submit a final, official, undergraduate transcript, noting degree conferral. An offer of admission is conditioned upon the Law School Admission Council receiving this official document by August 1.
More information »

PreRegistration Cheq - Required

The Law School will register students for first year courses. Before the Law School can complete the registration process, all students are required to complete the University's PreRegistration Cheq form, wherein students read and agree to a statement of financial responsibility and academic integrity. Accordingly, students must complete the PreRegistration Cheq in order to have their class schedules finalized in early August. Details will be emailed to students' Marquette email accounts.

Pre-Orientation Modules - Required

All students are required to complete a series of Pre-Orientation modules that will be available via the online Orientation Portal. Pre-Orientation is a self-paced, virtual program that will launch in early August. The Law School's Office of Student Affairs will provide further details about Pre-Orientation via email to students' Marquette email accounts.

Law School Data Form - Required

Prior to enrollment, all incoming students are required to provide their most current contact information. Details will be sent over the summer months. This form must be completed by August 1.

Marquette University Immunization History - Required

In the interests of keeping individual students and the campus community healthy, all enrolling students at Marquette University are required to provide proof of certain immunizations and to complete a screening instrument for tuberculosis. More information »

Student Health Insurance

It is highly recommended that all law students carry health insurance. As a result of the Affordable Care Act, many law students are entitled to coverage through age 26 under health care policies purchased by their parents. Law students who otherwise lack access to health insurance may purchase policies through health insurance exchanges. Further information may be found on the website of Marquette University’s Office of Risk Management.

Expenses associated with health insurance coverage, on a case by case basis, may be considered for inclusion in your financial aid budget if you find your current student loan package is insufficient to cover these expenses. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for further information.

Parking Passes

Law students will have priority to purchase University parking passes online. Parking permit sales began in early July. Parking permits will sell out prior to the start of classes. 

The Wells Street Structure (a.k.a. Structure 2) is near the Law School (approx. two-block walk). Purchase of a University parking permit is required for access to the student/staff parking level of Eckstein Hall. 

Please note that while you must purchase a permit to park in Eckstein Hall on weekdays, it is not possible to purchase a parking permit specifically for Eckstein Hall.  You will purchase a permit for Structure 2, and daily parking availability in Eckstein Hall will be on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please review the Eckstein Hall Parking Policy.


Lockers are available to law students for a small fee. Locker sign up for fall semester will be available in mid August. Details will be posted when locker sign-up is available.

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