The Small Claims Mediation Clinic: Second-and third-year law students are eligible to participate in the Marquette University Law School Small Claims Mediation Clinic at the Milwaukee County Courthouse. The clinic, founded by retired Distinguished Professor of Law and former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janine P. Geske, starts with an intensive weekend mediation training program. Every Monday morning throughout the rest of the semester, the students enter the world of real-life disputes in Small Claims Court. In Room 400 of the Milwaukee County Courthouse, just two blocks from the law school, students learn the power of compassion, patience, respect, and apology. Students, under the supervision of an experienced mediator, mediate cases on their own. Cases typically last two hours, and at the end of the morning the students meet as a group with the supervising faculty member and the supervising mediators to debrief and discuss their experiences.
The Small Claims Mediation Clinic helps students understand the dynamics of disputes, illustrating the complexities inherent in human interaction better than any textbook. The Clinic is instrumental in developing communication and facilitation skills students can apply to all aspects of life, both professional and personal.
In response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, The Mediation Clinic worked with the Milwaukee County Small Claims Court to develop a process for scheduling mediation sessions and conducting mediating cases remotely. The Clinic follows the lead of the Court, and is now moving to a hybrid, in-person/Zoom model. You can reach the Mediation Clinic at 414-288-8038, or via email at